I’ve been wanting to buy a new car for a very long while. Sure, my truck is great, but it’s strictly utilitarian. It comes in handy, but it’s not what you would consider “fun.&...Read More
Hey everyone! So, I’ve decided to re-design my crocco.net page yet again. It’s been quite a while since I’ve updated it, so I think it’s time for a new look. I’m trying t...Read More
I recently found a video of Star Tours (the Disneyland ride in Tomorrowland), taken directly from the source on the ol’ intertubes. It had timecodes, and the sound was not too great, so I went a...Read More
Hey everyone. I’ve just discovered this really cool new line of collectibles called Mighty Muggs! They’re super stylized vinyls from a number of iconic movies, such as Star Wars, Indiana J...Read More
I just got back from a 2 week tour from Italy! It was amazing! I’ll try to do a more in-depth post later, but until then, check out my pictures! My Pictures of Italy on Flickr Enjoy!...Read More
Panorama of my Room I just got myself a new camera! It’s a Canon PowerShot G9, and it’s crazy neat. I was fooling around taking pictures and started playing with it’s panorama mode. ...Read More
Hey everyone! So I decided to create a new design for my blog. I was never really satisfied with the old design. I was trying to go for an old-timey-steam-punky look with it, and it just didn’t ...Read More